
Medical Gas Training Course - NFPA 99-1999


Course: NFPA 99 Code Years 1993, 1996 and 1999

We provide a minimum of 4 hours of classroom training on NFPA 99C.  Tips, suggestions and compliance requirements for installation are in the handouts.  This is followed by actual brazing of 2 coupons by the students and testing by a specially designed portable tensile machine.

Also, we can provide training and testing of your personnel with a self paced manual and instructions to complete the qualification at your place of business.  Once the student has completed the training manual, he/she will complete the required paperwork followed by brazing two 3/4" test coupons in the horizontal position and two in the vertical position.  Next, send the brazed coupons to us for testing. Sounds easy, it is.

Each student will receive a Brazer Performance Test Record and Log meeting the requirements of ASME Section IX and NFPA 99.